BEAUFORT — The Carteret County Public School Foundation has named Erica Jones as its new development director, effective December 2023. In a press release issued Jan. 12, foundation officials said Jones has more than 13 years of experience in philanthropy and nonprofit management. “Ms. Jones brings a wealth of expertise and a strong commitment to community-driven initiatives,” the release states. Jones, in the press release, said she was excited about her new position.
“As the newly appointed Development Director at the Carteret County Public School Foundation, I am humbled to join an organization that stands as a pillar in our tight-knit community. Together, with our community partners and supporters, we will bridge the funding gap and create even more opportunities for our dedicated educators and promising students, reaffirming our commitment to the heart of our community.”
The Carteret County Public School Foundation, established in 2010, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting excellence in education by supporting students, educators, schools and education programs. In her role as development director, Jones will lead the foundation’s efforts in development and the expansion of business partnerships, aligning with the organization’s mission to continue to promote excellence in education.
She will be responsible for developing and executing strategies to increase financial support and foster partnerships that directly impact the needs and success of students and staff members in the Carteret County Public School System.
Prior to joining the Carteret County Public School Foundation, Jones served as the founder of Sunshine Spaces in Fort Worth, Texas, from 2011-21. Sunshine Spaces, a nonprofit organization, focused on providing dream room makeovers for critically ill children and their siblings. Under Jones’ leadership, Sunshine Spaces was voted Fort Worth’s best nonprofit organization multiple years in a row.
CCPS Foundation Chair Perry Harker said he was looking forward to working with Jones.
“I am thrilled to have Erica Jones join our Foundation team. She has a wealth of nonprofit experience and strong ties to our community,” he said. “I am very excited to see our foundation positioned to grow our resources and enable us to assist more students, families, teachers and staff.”
The foundation will host its annual donor-supported charity event 6 to 9 p.m. Feb. 3 at the Dunes Club in Atlantic Beach. This year’s theme is “Sneaker Gala,” where participants are invited to wear a pair of tennis shoes with their dressy clothing and join in a night of entertainment, refreshments and games. Proceeds will benefit the foundation’s student/staff assistance fund and the Big Rock Teaching Fellows Program.
During the 2022-23 school year, the student/staff assistance fund distributed more than $30,000 to employees and to families of students in crisis. The Big Rock Teaching Fellowship program will graduate its first scholarship recipient, Molly Arnold, who is currently a student teacher in the Carteret County Public School System and will interview for elementary teaching positions for the fall of 2024.
Led by a volunteer Board of Directors and ex-officio members, the foundation provides a tax-deductible way to support the public school system by securing funds for innovate projects that cannot be funded with local, state or federal dollars.
